Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tomorrow is

the first day of chemo. We are both unsure of what we're in for, but we know that we'll deal with it. We can bring movies, and things to pass the time. Your favorite Sports Editor was excited by the prospect of being able to watch all the Bowl Games from last season he has yet had time to view and there is talk of working on one of our puzzles that we can't seem to part with, but never stop to put together.

We've heard varying reports from friends about their experiences so we'll just have to see. Joe says it's a more overall pleasant experience than you'd think it would be. That you really come to form a kind of community and there is laughter and smiles. That would be helpful.

Speaking of smiles - thank you Miss Anna for the call today : ) She said essentially -The waiting through today will be worse than what you have to go through tomorrow.

We're weird, we humans. Not knowing what something is and what we can imagine is, is most always worse than what could be is, because even if it's as worse as could be, you have something to work with and move on from. Clear as mud?

Thank you also to the G 6 who have bestowed a lovely lithograph of one of Jeff's favorite ladies Audrey Hepburn as
"Holly Golightly"" from Breakfast at Tiffany's for his birthday. It made him smile. And the quote " I thought you needed a touch of class in the Man Room." Right on!

Conversely we recently bestowed on the male lead of the G 6 his belated birthday gift - one of the most misunderstood cartoon geniuses of all time - Sponge Bob, the movie! He's a riot. I can hear G1 laughing now.

The laughter and the smiles along with those prayers are powerful medicine. Thanks.

"the wife"