Monday, July 14, 2008

Back with new blog home.

Back from the colonoscopy and EGD or "Poke & Prod" as Jeff refers to it. Please go to The Jeff Report to for today's and all future updates. Bear with me, really it'll be better in the long run.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Taking advantage of mutal time off

Jeff and I were able to take off most of today together.

; ) I'll be working the Garage Sale at SPX this Saturday as a trade off, come by and take a look at what we have.

So, we spent the day together doing the mundane tasks of life. Buying dog food, sorting and taking the recyclables to the recycling center, coffee at Kaiteur, me back at work for a meeting, dinner out, blah blah blah.

It was a refreshingly predictable day and we relished every moment of it.

Prayers please for the "poke and prod" as he's calling the procedures this coming Monday. His blood pressure was a little high today at the oncologist's office weekly visit, although our joint day of rest was definitely a gift of the Spirit to ease the spirit.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Report on the scan

Jeff heard back on the scan from last Monday. The size of the nodes is appreciably smaller and that's right on schedule with what the doctor had said should be happening if all was going well. Sorry don't have the numbers at the moment.

Jeff's hair is likewise beginning to grow, however that could be short lived, so after a consult with "Tammila" as he calls her, we'll keep the cool summer look for a while : )

Sunday he begins the preparations for the stomach and colon scoping on Monday. Of course there's a whole regimen of clear liquids, drinking something and then nothing by mouth so it'll be a subdued day at the Retreat.

And speaking of the Retreat, although Jeff is disappointed that we don't have any foxes this year, he has noted the other wild life. we do have bunnies, a black snake, brazen cats and the little turtle is back, or rather we have a little turtle. We discovered "Yurtle" as Jeff is calling it when Chloe gave the very excited pouncy bark on the patio.